Breaking the silence: A luta continua documents a process involving over one thousand Khulumani Support Group members in the Western Cape who used scrapbooks, body-maps, photographs, memory cloths, drawings, paintings, art banners and film to tell the stories of their lives under apartheid. The purpose of the process is twofold: to give unacknowledged heroes and survivors of the struggle against apartheid a chance to remember and express their experiences, and to create a record that might honor their sacrifice and educate future generations. The exhibition spans almost two decades of collaborative work between the Human Rights Media Centre and the Khulumani Support Group, Western Cape. It was initially funded by the Foundation for Human Rights – EU. Fundraising for art and memory workshops is ongoing.

A luta continua painting (5.5m x 3m) by Dathini Mzayiya and Nkoali Nawa

The award-winning exhibition has been hosted by:

Interested hosts may contact the HRMC.

Breaking the silence: A luta continua